Thailand Birding: Birds in a Bangkok housing estate

Bangkok is a crowded, busy and noisy city but it is amazing how many birds still manage to eke out an existence within the city boundaries. The housing area I have been living in for the last few weeks is quite crowded, with few areas of open land, although it is close to the edge of the city, but still I have seen a number of bird species that has surprised me, even with no vegetation other than what is in people’s window boxes and small front yards.

Today the call of some bee-eaters caught my attention and I went out the front to see 2 Blue-tailed Bee-eaters flying overhead, presumably driven along by the advancing rainstorm.

Other species I have seen here in the last few weeks are:

1. Oriental Magpie Robin
2. Plaintive Cuckoo
3. Red Collared Dove
4. Olive-backed Sunbird
5. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
6. Scaly-breasted Munia
7. Peaceful Dove
8. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
9. Large-billed Crow
10. Streak-eared Bulbul
11. Common Myna
12. White-vented Myna
13. Spotted Dove
14. Common Iora
15. Common Tailorbird
16. Pied Fantail

Hopefully soon I can move to a leafier area where a larger number of species can be seen from the front door!

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