Another Swinemoor “Tick”

Another bright morning beckoned me out for a short walk on Swinemoor Common. The wind was brisk and quite cold though and made my eyes water a little – it certainly felt like winter is arriving.

Not so many birds around today with about 40-50 Lapwings and just a couple of dozen gulls: Black-headed and Common Gulls. However, I did quickly spot 3 Redshank but no other waders although a group of about 50 Fieldfares were feeding on the wet grassland along with a small group of Starlings. Walking further along I found 4 Curlews feeding where they have been lurking for a few weeks, close to a reedy ditch along with a group of Moorhens and 2 more Redshank.

Circling around onto the River Hull flood defences even more Redshank could be seen feeding amongst long grass – a total of 14 Redshank. As I was counting these a pair of Whooper Swans came in from the east and settled onto the floods – although this species is not unusual in this area, it is the first time I have seen them at Swinemoor. Unfortunately a dog walker came along and the swans flew off to the north after only a few minutes. In addition, a huge group of about 50 Snipe also flushed out and wheeled around for a moment or two before relanding.

With the wind freezing my hands I mooched off home seeing some Redwings, a group of Blackbirds and a Dunnock in some hawthorn bushes.

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