The mid summer doldrums do not offer many interesting birding options when you don’t live close to coastal sites but when the weather is bad and you have burned up the morning watching the Olympics on television it is useful to have only a short drive to a spot on the River Thames where a [...]
Archive for the ‘Bird Photography’ Category

Bird Photography at Abberton Reservoir | British Birding

June can be a tricky time of the year for birding in Britain with little movement of birds and the excitiement of returning migrants over. Bird abundance is quite low too meaning that bird photography can be quite challenging unless one happens to be lucky enough to be close to breeding colonies of seabirds. However, [...]

Finding Common Grasshopper Warbler | British Birding

Common Grasshopper Warbler, Locusteall naevia, is the bird that is usually simply known as “Grasshopper Warbler” throughout Europe. This bird is just one of a group of similar species in the family LocustellidaeĀ that are found in many parts of the world and generally these birds are skulking and hard to see. However, when they arrive [...]

Swanscombe Peninsula Bird Photography | British Birding

Bearded Tit is one of the most striking of bird species in Britain and one that is coveted by many bird watchers and photographers alike. Having made a number of bird photography trips with Michael Wong recently he had expressed an interest in photographing this superb bird but with lots of windy weather it had [...]