Spring is my favourite time of the year in Britain. While winter has brought some interesting birds I always enjoy the lengthening days and the improving weather as the countryside begins to turn green again and summer migrant birds begin to arrive in small numbers at first and then in a flood of bird song. [...]
Archive for the ‘Birdwatching Trips’ Category

Birding Higham Marshes on a Sunny Day | British Birding

After what had seemed like endless days of gloom the sun finally showed. I decided to head to nearby Higham Marshes, to make the most of weather, with the intention of trying to photograph Northern Lapwings performing their acrobatic display flight having failed due to poor light a week or so ago. Bright skies, cool [...]

Winter Birding in the Snow; Darent Valley Local Patch | British Birding

Winter birding on the local patch I have in Kent has been a little frustrating over much of January and February with lots of rain turning all the local footpaths into an absolute mudbath and birds being thin on the ground apart from large numbers of Redwing which although numerous were extremely shy. The suddenly, [...]

New Year’s Day Birding Walk | British Birding

Did you go birding on 1st January? The great thing about birding on New Year’s Day is that all the birds are new for the year list and as such almost all the birders I know are keen to get out on the first day of the year, and this year I was no exception. [...]

Local Birding; Darent Valley | British Birding

When I was at school almost all my birding was done in the local area, other than a few trips with my school wildlife club and family holidays around Britain. Over the years I have traveled much further afield in search of birds but right now I find myself back where I grew up, with [...]

Birding at Dartford Marshes | British Birding

Sometimes it is nice to travel to visit our favourite birding hotspots but at other time it is good to poke around local areas of open land to see what birds can be found. Particularly with the seasons changing and wintering bird numbers building up, local open spaces that may have become unproductive over the [...]

Birding at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve | British Birding

One of the most pleasant aspects of this time of the year is the palette of colours provided by the foliage of trees and with some good weather over the last few days I decided that a good place to appreciate these colours was at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve in Kent where I hoped that these [...]