When it comes to spring and autumn Bangkok-based birders head to the city’s parks in search of a wide variety of passage migrants. For migrating birds heading over this large area of urbanization these green areas provide much-needed rest areas as well as the opportunity to feed and gain the energy required to continue migration. [...]
Archive for the ‘Migration’ Category

Brent Geese Arrive | British Birding

One of my personal key indicators of the onset of autumn is the mass arrival of Brent Geese to the North Kent coast. As early as September small numbers of these migratory geese arrive in dribs and drabs, seemingly disappearing as soon as they arrive and then suddenly large numbers of Brent Geese can be [...]

Finding Common Grasshopper Warbler | British Birding

Common Grasshopper Warbler, Locusteall naevia, is the bird that is usually simply known as “Grasshopper Warbler” throughout Europe. This bird is just one of a group of similar species in the family LocustellidaeĀ that are found in many parts of the world and generally these birds are skulking and hard to see. However, when they arrive [...]

Spring Birding at Dungeness | British Birding

Early May and Spring migration is in full flow with large numbers of common migrants arriving, passage migrants passing through and resident species in full song with many of them well into their breeding cycle. What better day to head to one of Kent’s bird migration hotspots: Dungeness. This mass of shingle extends into the [...]

Higham Marshes in Early Spring | British Birding

Winter birding brings its own set of treats and surprises but after months of weather typical for the season it has been nice to have some sunshine over recent days, albeit often with a chilling breeze. Yesterday morning was a bright start to the day and promised to deliver some new arrivals of migrant birds, [...]

Blackcap Warblers in Spring | British Birding

Most birders in southern England will have become used to the fact that this species has changed its status from being exclusively a summer visitor to a bird that winters in UK in small numbers. It has been discovered that these Blackcaps that winter in Britain migrate to UK from Central Europe and Scandinavia (check [...]

Spring Bird Song | British Birding

Spring is my favourite time of the year in Britain. While winter has brought some interesting birds I always enjoy the lengthening days and the improving weather as the countryside begins to turn green again and summer migrant birds begin to arrive in small numbers at first and then in a flood of bird song. [...]