One of the nicest things about arriving in a new place is finding some interesting habitat and going out to see what birds can be found there. I enjoy this far more than going anywhere in the expectation of seeing any particular species with the pressure that can put upon oneself which can spoil a pleasant morning of birding. On my first day in Austria last month I found myself staying on the edge of a small town called Feldkirch. Getting up early in the morning I was able to take a walk along a river into some woodland as the sun was rising, burning off the mist and revealing a surprising level of bird activity. I saw a few interesting species but most of all it was just a nice way to spend the first few hours of the day.
Most birders feel like they have to be out at first light but here (as I often find in many parts of the world) it took some time before birds became active. Basically until some sunshine fell upon the trees birds were quite inactive, but they made up for it once the sun came out. Apart from Carrion Crows sitting on overhead cables and a couple of Jackdaws the first birds were a small flock of Blue Tits, Great Tits and a couple of Coal Tits, followed by two singing Goldcrests. A few birds feeding on elderberries included Blackcap, Wren, Chiffchaff and a couple of Icterine Warblers, all fattening up on their way south for the winter.
In a patch of oak woodland a warbler caught my attention which proved to be a Wood Warbler which caught a fat caterpillar. This is a bird I see very seldom so it was a nice find.
In the woods there was a high level of activity with Nuthatch, Blackbirds, Robin and plenty of groups of tits including a Willow Tit and a couple of Crested Tits the call of which I had to remind myself of before locating them.
It is always interesting to me how common Crested Tit is across much of Europe but only occurring in the UK in Scottish pine forests and such is its unfamiliarity to me it is always a lovely sight so I spent some time watching these cute characters before heading back to the hotel for breakfast.