Somehow I have never seen a European Nightjar – mainly due to the fact that every time I think about finding them I then decide I am too tired to stay out half the night as I have to get up for work. Well, with no work to worry about I headed, with my friend Simon Tonkin, to Crowle Moors, part of the Humberhead Peatlands National Nature Reserve.
We got there at about 9 pm and walked into the best Nightjar habitat, seeing a juvenile Green Woodpecker along the way. We selected a watch point and waited for the churring. However, it very quickly became obvious that mosquitos were way more common than Nightjars here. In fact standing still attracted a huge cloud of monster mozzies that needed constant flapping of the arms to keep away. Whilst we were being driven crazy a number of mallard and smaller numbers of Teal flew overhead to roosting spots. Just before dusk a large group of Carrion Crows flew in to a roost too.
Unfortunately the mosquitos were by now co-ordinating their assualt, making it very difficult to stand still. Then, a churring Nightjar sparked our hopes, and it was soon joined by at least 5 others. I thought now that it would be a simple case of waiting for them to emerge. Something that they didn’t seem too keen on. No wonder – they had no need to fly to catch insects, simply sit with their mouths open and a swarm of mosquitos were bound to fly in.
By now, both Simon and I were swelling up from mosquito bites and dancing around trying to flap them away. We managed to stay still for a few moments to take a look at the amazing sight of Jupiter and 4 of its moons – wonderful, if only a Nightjar had flown past!
This had to be good enough to be the trip highlight and we made a hasty getaway, by this time we were both on the verge of insanity from the constant barrage from the mosquitos. Nightjars certainly live here, but if you decide to go to see them, soak yourself in deet for a week beforehand.
Your blog is very informative, I have learned so much from it. It is like daily newspaper
. Added to fav?s.
My head is like a nobly twiglet from all the bites!
You forgot mention I had one fly out in front of me! (a nightjar! not a mosquito!)
Keep up the entertainment!