Sunshine and some more migrants

Yesterday morning I made a quick trip to see the much reported Red-necked Grebe in a fishing pond at Weel, near Beverley. I parked my car in Weel and walked the short distance to the small pond where I very quickly saw the grebe. A very handsome bird, coming into summer plumage and this was most certainly the best view I’ve ever had of the species as it came to within about 10 metres of me at times. Every other time I’ve seen this species has been in winter and often at long distance in poor weather, so this was quite a treat. Unfortunately the bird seemsedto be injured. On its right hand side, a number of wing feathers were sticking out at an unusual angle and it was swimming slightly lopsided. When it stretched up to flap its wings it was unable to flap the right hand wing properly.

Lots of Willow Warblers were in evidence and a single Sedge Warbler was singing away and allowed me a brief glimpse. Other birds present were a pair of Reed Buntings, a singing Robin, a male Linnet, 4 Mallard, 4 Tufted Ducks and 7 Coot.

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