Bearded Vulture, or Lammergeier, is a bird I have seen in the high mountains of the Himalayas, Tien Shan, Alps and Pyrenees but when I heard of reports of the long-staying bird in UK from a little north of Peterborough, in the southern part of Lincolnshire, the chance to see it in the lowlands of [...]
Posts Tagged ‘bird watching’

Autumn Birds on Isle of Sheppey | British Birding

Another window in the blustery and wet weather conditions yesterday gave me the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors. Where to go? There were some interesting birds reported from the far east of Kent and rarities in other parts of the country but there is one place that keeps drawing me towards it; the Isle of [...]

Isle of Grain & Hoo Peninsula Birds | British Birding

It was with some sense of relief that I looked out of the window this morning and saw that after several days of awful weather the skies had finally cleared so a birding excursion was quickly planned. A group of Whooper Swans had been reported a few days previous on nearby Hoo Peninsula, near the [...]

Ruddy Turnstone Feeding Behaviour | British Birding

Whenever I visit stony or rocky coasts around Britain, no matter what other birds of interest there are to enjoy watching, eventually I am always drawn towards Ruddy Turnstones. These comical little characters are always busy running around on the rocks or among piles of seaweed, grabbing morsels of food and bickering with each other [...]

Some Curious Gulls at Dungeness | British Birding

With strong winds from a promising direction at a promising time of the year I headed to Dungeness, on the south coast of England, in hope of seeing some interesting seabirds blown close to the coast. After a couple of hours of looking at a couple of distant Gannets, a pair of Common Scoters and [...]

Great Cormorant Colour Ring | British Birding

Abberton Reservoir is a well-known birding site in the county of Essex, Southeast England, but one that I had never visited before last week. I had a really great time at this nice spot, with a very good selection of species and the two causeways across the reservoir were great spots to stand and photograph [...]

A Walk along Caerfanell Brook, Brecon Beacons | British Birding

The sound of the fast-flowing mountain stream known as Caerfanell Brook always takes me back to holidays with my family when I was a child. I remember sitting with our feet in the cool waters to relieve ourselves from the hot weather we experienced one year when a Dipper turned up right next to us! [...]