Although birding is a relaxing hobby that takes birders to lots of interesting and often beautiful places I also find it rewarding to be able to contribute towards a greater understanding of birds which can provide information useful in their conservation. One of the easiest ways I have found of doing this is by reporting [...]
Posts Tagged ‘conservation’

Pied Avocet with Colour Rings | British Birding

On a quite grey and gloomy day on 3rd October 2020 I made a visit to RSPB Rainham Marsh which is just inside the boundary of London. Rather than enter the reserve immediately I walked along the River Thames where there were an intriguing group of gulls and waders which tricked me into thinking there [...]

Great Cormorant Colour Ring | British Birding

Abberton Reservoir is a well-known birding site in the county of Essex, Southeast England, but one that I had never visited before last week. I had a really great time at this nice spot, with a very good selection of species and the two causeways across the reservoir were great spots to stand and photograph [...]

Birding Asia 31 Free Download

I have been a member of the Oriental Bird Club (OBC) for well over ten years now. This British-based charity furthers ornithology in the oriental region as well as engaging in conservation projects. As a birder based in this region I was keen to support conservation in Asia in this small way as well as [...]

Destruction and Fragmentation of Wildlife Habitats | British Birding

A few days ago I saw an appeal to sign a petition to save a small area of wildlife habitat in my hometown of Dartford in England which has been described as a “wildlife gem” where birds such as Sedge Warbler, Reed Bunting, Cetti’s Warbler and Nightingale have occurred. There is precious little habitat for [...]

Predatory Gulls | Bird Behaviour

It might look fluffy and cute but this young Lesser Black-backed Gull was already enjoying the fruits of a predatory lifestyle when I photographed it at the end of July growing fat on a diet of freshly fledged Pufflings! While sitting, watching Puffins go in and out of their burrows to go out and catch [...]

Colour Ringed Great Black-backed Gull | British Birding

In July I took a boat trip from Amble, in Northumbria, UK, out to Coquet Island to see the Roseate Terns that nest there. It was a nice, one hour, boat trip that gave me good views of lots of Roseate Terns feeding their chicks as well as plenty of Puffins, Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Guillemots, Sandwich [...]