A few days ago I was just outside the gate of Kaeng Krachan national park with some visiting bird watchers trying to get a good look at an Indochinese Bushlark. We checked all the regular spots, scanned all the wires for singing birds but nothing! Finally I heard one singing from the ground and we attempted to get close to it. Of course, it was hiding in grassland and all we managed to see were two birds flying away from us as they headed for some thick undergrowth never to be seen again – not very satisfying.
Having given up we drove along the road and soon saw an Indochinese Bushlark scurry across the road and stop in some very short grass right next to the road, so we headed up there for a better look.
We drew alongside it and the bird did not fly away allowing us good views which allowed us to notice that it was moulting heavily. I then got out of the vehicle to see if I could take a photo of the bird and was amazed that it did not fly away or run away, allowing me to take a number of photographs at very close range.
It was strange that the bird did not make more of an effort to run away, spending most of the time just crouching close to the ground; I guess it thought that it was camouflaged and that I could not see it.