It was with some sense of relief that I looked out of the window this morning and saw that after several days of awful weather the skies had finally cleared so a birding excursion was quickly planned. A group of Whooper Swans had been reported a few days previous on nearby Hoo Peninsula, near the [...]
Archive for the ‘Birding in Kent’ Category

Some Curious Gulls at Dungeness | British Birding

With strong winds from a promising direction at a promising time of the year I headed to Dungeness, on the south coast of England, in hope of seeing some interesting seabirds blown close to the coast. After a couple of hours of looking at a couple of distant Gannets, a pair of Common Scoters and [...]

High Tide Wader Roost at Shellness | British Birding

One of the most spectacular things in bird watching is seeing large numbers of birds together in the same place. When I am in UK there is one obvious place for me to head to in order to get a taste of this type of experience; the high tide roost at Shellness in North Kent. [...]

Oare Marshes Watch Point | British Birding

When I am in UK one of my favourite places to go birding is Kent Wildlife Trust‘s Oare Marshes reserve. It is one of those places that is always pleasant to go birding because it is a nice place to be and has the benefit of seemingly always having large numbers of birds of a [...]

Tropical Shellness | British Birding

One of my favourite locations when birding in UK is Shellness on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent. Invariably I have the place more or less to myself and it is a remarkably wild place considering how close to London it is but the main attraction is the fact that it forms a high tide [...]

Destruction and Fragmentation of Wildlife Habitats | British Birding

A few days ago I saw an appeal to sign a petition to save a small area of wildlife habitat in my hometown of Dartford in England which has been described as a “wildlife gem” where birds such as Sedge Warbler, Reed Bunting, Cetti’s Warbler and Nightingale have occurred. There is precious little habitat for [...]

Reporting a Ringed Mediterranean Gull | British Birding

Most bird watchers have an opinion on ringing/banding regimes and not everyone views this practice positively. Whether or not you think that ringing should be done to the degree that it is, the only way that there can be any meaningful things to be learned from it is if birders report sightings of ringed birds. [...]