The Spoon-billed Sandpiper Task Force of East Asian-Australasian Flyway Partnership has published a nice, 4-page, fact sheet on this critically endangered species.
The fact sheet contains illustrated information on Spoon-billed Sandpiper plumage details and ages as well as the known areas and times of the year that it occurs. The fact sheet is designed to encourage birders to submit detailed observations of this species from the field. With this in mind there are details on how to record observations of this species and where to send the information.
The fact sheet can be downloaded here – Recording information on Spoon-billed Sandpipers to aid their conservation. If you are likely to be looking for this species this coming winter downloading and printing this sheet is essential and all birders can learn something about plumage details and how to age this species.
Reading this interesting fact sheet reminded me that we are getting to the time of year that Spoon-billed Sandpiper will, hopefully, arrive in Thailand. It is usually first observed in mid to late October but the possibility is there that it could be seen earlier so this is a good time to get out and look for migrating birds; shorebirds, raptors and all other species – it is a great time to be birding in coastal areas and city parks.