Although birding is a relaxing hobby that takes birders to lots of interesting and often beautiful places I also find it rewarding to be able to contribute towards a greater understanding of birds which can provide information useful in their conservation. One of the easiest ways I have found of doing this is by reporting [...]
Posts Tagged ‘bird ecology’

Singing Song Thrush on a Misty Morning | British Birding

When a bird is named for its song it is a good indication that its vocalization is something that is worth listening to and when it is heard on a morning with very limited visibility the lack of other visuals really amplifies the effect of this bird’s rich and energetic song. In fact the word [...]

Purple Sandpiper Close Encounter | British Birds

The arrival of some birds really gives you a sense of the time of the year and for me when autumn comes around in UK I look forward to seeing Purple Sandpiper. This handsome little wader breeds within the arctic circle but at this time of the year they move further south and small numbers [...]

Colour-ringed Herring Gulls x 3 | British Birding

A few weeks ago I came across three different Herring Gulls with colour rings on their legs within the space of just a few days, all in roughly the same area; the Swale in North Kent, UK. The first of the three birds I noticed briefly on the shoreline before it took off. I took [...]

Great Cormorant Colour Ring | British Birding

Abberton Reservoir is a well-known birding site in the county of Essex, Southeast England, but one that I had never visited before last week. I had a really great time at this nice spot, with a very good selection of species and the two causeways across the reservoir were great spots to stand and photograph [...]

Eurasian Oystercatchers | Bird Behaviour

Which birds excite you the most? For many people rarity is a key factor in which birds they enjoy seeing. Of course we all like seeing rare birds but are they really the ones that mean the most to you? Are they the birds that you enjoy watching again and again or are their other [...]

Little Egret Foot Stirring Feeding Technique | Bird Behaviour

Actually watching birds is something that a lot of birders forget to do. By this I mean that all too often bird watchers get their thrill from seeing a new bird for their list, be it their life list, local patch list or just their day list. I think we have all fallen into this [...]