Some birding locations are great to visit because they are new and exciting to explore, with all the possibilities of seeing new birds that goes with that. Other locations are great to visit because they are familiar, always have lots of birds to see, even if they are quite predictable but are just a place [...]
Posts Tagged ‘birds of kent’

Ring-necked Parakeets Sunflower Feast | British Birding

One day in October 2021 I made a visit to a local woodland, Farningham Woods, but was distracted before I got there by large numbers of Ring-necked Parakeets feeding on sunflower heads along the entrance road to the woods. The sunflowers were grown as a wildlife boundary crop in a strip a few metres wide [...]

Shellness High Tide Birding | British Birding

The Roman philosopher Pliny claimed that a full moon caused moisture to form in the brain leading to madness and there may be something in this as I made the uncharacteristic decision to wake up at an unholy hour and embark on a day of dawn to dusk birding on the Isle of Sheppey on [...]

Brent Geese Arrive | British Birding

One of my personal key indicators of the onset of autumn is the mass arrival of Brent Geese to the North Kent coast. As early as September small numbers of these migratory geese arrive in dribs and drabs, seemingly disappearing as soon as they arrive and then suddenly large numbers of Brent Geese can be [...]

Birding at Higham Marshes | British Birding

Birding locally has been imposed upon us for long periods in 2020 and 2021 and although this limits our possibilities it has also provided an opportunity to really look closely at what birds can be seen close to home. Although I enjoyed travelling further afield as soon as I was able to I also enjoyed [...]

Finding Common Grasshopper Warbler | British Birding

Common Grasshopper Warbler, Locusteall naevia, is the bird that is usually simply known as “Grasshopper Warbler” throughout Europe. This bird is just one of a group of similar species in the family LocustellidaeĀ that are found in many parts of the world and generally these birds are skulking and hard to see. However, when they arrive [...]

Swanscombe Peninsula Bird Photography | British Birding

Bearded Tit is one of the most striking of bird species in Britain and one that is coveted by many bird watchers and photographers alike. Having made a number of bird photography trips with Michael Wong recently he had expressed an interest in photographing this superb bird but with lots of windy weather it had [...]