At the end of August many birds are already migrating and with southerly winds and rain forecast it seemed like it would be a good time to make another trip to Dungeness which is usually one of the best places in Kent to see migratory seabirds passing close to the shore. This time of year [...]
Posts Tagged ‘british birds’

Cavenham Heath Stone Curlews: British Birding

On my way back from the British Birdwatching Fair I made a little detour to Cavenham Heath National Nature Reserve in Suffolk to search for Stone Curlews. Last year I was told about this area by another birder as a location where Stone Curlews gather before migrating and I saw quite some number of them [...]

Seabirds at St Bees: British Birding

Doing most of my birding in Thailand I do not get to see seabirds very often; only on my visits back to UK. So, as part of my visit to the north east of England I decided to pay a visit to the RSPB’s clifftop reserve at St Bees Head well aware that it was [...]

Nesting Bee-eaters in Cumbria: British Birding

For few weeks now the RSPB has given British birders the opportunity to watch European Bee-eaters nesting at a sand quarry near Brampton in Cumbria. Bee-eaters are a very rare breeding bird in UK and this, combined with their colourful plumage, has meant that many people have made the journey to northern England to see [...]

Sabine’s Gull at Pennington Flash | British Birding

I spent the last few days walking in the mountains in the Lake District National Park, but on my way I decided to stop off to look for a couple of unusual birds, the first being an adult Sabine’s Gull which had been reported as present for a few days at Pennington Flash, near Manchester. [...]

Growths on Legs & Feet of Birds

While bird watching at Ashdown Forest a few days ago I spent some time trying to get some good photos of some of the commoner birds occurring in woodlands. A Treecreeper kept me occupied and frustrated for some time until I noticed a male Chaffinch foraging close by in the leaf litter. I was able [...]

Reporting Ringed Birds – British Birding

A lovely sunny day prompted me to head to Dungeness on the coast of Kent this morning in the hope of seeing some terns and gulls at the water outlet of the nuclear power plant – “the patch”. Unfortunately there were very few birds at all there, just 20-30 Herring Gulls of varying ages and [...]