To say that gull watching is an acquired taste would be to ignore the fact that many birders never do acquire the taste. However, on two consecutive tours to South Korea many of those accompanying me have started out as skeptics but have quickly found watching large numbers of gulls and a wide variety of [...]
Posts Tagged ‘gulls’

Predatory Gulls | Bird Behaviour

It might look fluffy and cute but this young Lesser Black-backed Gull was already enjoying the fruits of a predatory lifestyle when I photographed it at the end of July growing fat on a diet of freshly fledged Pufflings! While sitting, watching Puffins go in and out of their burrows to go out and catch [...]

Colour Ringed Great Black-backed Gull | British Birding

In July I took a boat trip from Amble, in Northumbria, UK, out to Coquet Island to see the Roseate Terns that nest there. It was a nice, one hour, boat trip that gave me good views of lots of Roseate Terns feeding their chicks as well as plenty of Puffins, Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Guillemots, Sandwich [...]

Reporting a Ringed Mediterranean Gull | British Birding

Most bird watchers have an opinion on ringing/banding regimes and not everyone views this practice positively. Whether or not you think that ringing should be done to the degree that it is, the only way that there can be any meaningful things to be learned from it is if birders report sightings of ringed birds. [...]

East Coast Gulls | South Korea Birding

Earlier this week, as part of our winter birding tour of South Korea, we spent a few days travelling down the East coast of this East Asian country, stopping in many harbours and bays to look for seabirds and a number of gull species. The sheer numbers of gulls was mind-blowing, with around 50000 in [...]

Ringed Black-headed Gull | British Birding

Once again I made a visit to Leysdown, on the Isle of Sheppey, to photograph gulls and shorebirds having enjoyed seeing a juvenile Pallid Harrier at nearby Harty Marshes. In order to get gulls to come really close I bought a portion of chips at a nearby fish ‘n’ chips shop and parked the car [...]

A Ringed Herring Gull – British Birding

This morning I was photographing gulls roosting on a field at Leysdown, Kent, attempting to get good images of the two Mediterranean Gulls that were among the flock, when a Herring Gull with a very bright orange leg ring caught my eye. I could not read the code on the colour ring through binoculars so [...]