One of the most spectacular things in bird watching is seeing large numbers of birds together in the same place. When I am in UK there is one obvious place for me to head to in order to get a taste of this type of experience; the high tide roost at Shellness in North Kent. [...]
Posts Tagged ‘waders birds’

Eurasian Oystercatchers | Bird Behaviour

Which birds excite you the most? For many people rarity is a key factor in which birds they enjoy seeing. Of course we all like seeing rare birds but are they really the ones that mean the most to you? Are they the birds that you enjoy watching again and again or are their other [...]

Thailand’s Wading Birds in Flight | Thailand Birding

Wading birds (shorebirds to some) are group much-beloved by some birders but equally they often elicite a response of “I don’t do shorebirds” from others. I have accompanied birders with both attitudes to the Gulf of Thailand, which is undoubtedly one of the best locations in the world to observe waders. Those who love wading [...]

Oare Marshes Watch Point | British Birding

When I am in UK one of my favourite places to go birding is Kent Wildlife Trust‘s Oare Marshes reserve. It is one of those places that is always pleasant to go birding because it is a nice place to be and has the benefit of seemingly always having large numbers of birds of a [...]

A Trip to Titchwell Bird Reserve | British Birding

When I visit Norfolk one of my favourite places is RSPB Titchwell. Now I know not all birdwatchers will agree with me on this as Titchwell can get very busy with day-trippers and beginner birdwatchers that annoy some hard-core birders but what I like about this location is that there are always large numbers of [...]

Tropical Shellness | British Birding

One of my favourite locations when birding in UK is Shellness on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent. Invariably I have the place more or less to myself and it is a remarkably wild place considering how close to London it is but the main attraction is the fact that it forms a high tide [...]

Laem Pakarang Shorebirds | Thailand Birding

One of the locations I visited on my recent trip to Southern Thailand was Laem Pakarang in Phang Nga province. This is one of the south’s most visited shorebird sites and makes a nice stop when driving between Phang Nga Bay and Sri Phang Nga national parks. I stopped there in the late afternoon of [...]