A walk to Eske today was very pleasant due to the warm sunshine, despite the fact that there was not a great abundance of birds to be seen. Almost nothin of interest turned up on the walk up to the lake apart form a freshly ploughed field which had attracted a flock of Black-headed Gulls [...]
Archive for the ‘Migration’ Category
Migrants at Swinemoor

Although I intended to walk to Eske today, I decided to see if there was any flooding on Swinemoor that might attract migrating waders. It turned out that there was a decent amount of water on the common so I strolled out to see what was around. It turned out to be a good decision: [...]

Signs of autumn, and spring!!!!!

Another sunny day and another walk to Eske. Despite the sun the wind was keeping most of the small birds down on the ground or deep amongst the foliage. However, with the tide out the exposed mud along the River Hull provided feeding opportunities for a number of Black-headed Gulls and Moorhens. Also feeding on [...]

British Birding: Flamborough Head once more

With Great Shearwaters having been seen in the preceeding days at Flamborough, I made the trip there hoping for a view of this species. On arrival, however, it was clear that the wind had changed and was coming from completely the wrong direction for good seawatching, making for a flat sea. Still, the sunshine was [...]

Back to Eske

After a break of a few weeks I went for a walk to the lake at High Eske. Unfortunately strong winds made the walk a little chilly, despite the sunshine, although in places with some shelter the sun was pleasantly warm. Interesting birds were few, with a group of 4 Meadow Pipits on the River [...]

A second day of sun

Yesterday I didn’t anticipate going out, but as the weather was sunny with no wind at all it was a case of go out whilst the weather lasts. I couldn’t be bothered to go far, so I took another walk to Eske. Along the river very little was to be seen; a single Cormorant, an [...]

A story of Sandpipers

Today the sun came out. Not only did it come out, but the wind stopped and it became hot – I could almost believe that it was actually summer. Walking north along the River Hull the warmth from the sun was very pleasant and groups of House Martins and Swallows were feasting upon the insects [...]