Well, this wasn’t so much a festival as a “small gig at an intimate venue”, but for this location the number and variety of waders present today was quite impressive. A misty start to the morning turned into a pleasant, sunny day and having seen a good number of birds on monday at Swinemoor I [...]
Archive for the ‘Other Wildlife’ Category

Redwings in the Sun

A walk to Eske today was very pleasant due to the warm sunshine, despite the fact that there was not a great abundance of birds to be seen. Almost nothin of interest turned up on the walk up to the lake apart form a freshly ploughed field which had attracted a flock of Black-headed Gulls [...]

Blue-tailed Damselfly

With the dull, wet weather today I had time to sort out some more of the photos languishing on my hard drive. I found some nice photos of Blue-tailed Damselflies (Ischnura elegans) that I took on a nice sunny day in April, at the lake at Eske. In a sheltered, sunny spot a large group [...]

Common Darter

I found out, with the help of the members of birdforum, that the dragonflies I photographed on monday were all Common Darters Sympetrum striolatum. From what I understand, the male is the red one and the female is the green one. They certainly are common at Eske and I have seen plenty of them over [...]

Signs of autumn, and spring!!!!!

Another sunny day and another walk to Eske. Despite the sun the wind was keeping most of the small birds down on the ground or deep amongst the foliage. However, with the tide out the exposed mud along the River Hull provided feeding opportunities for a number of Black-headed Gulls and Moorhens. Also feeding on [...]
Wildfowl Arrival

Some more decent weather got me out for another walk to High Eske this afternoon. Fewer birds than yesterday but that probably reflects the lower level of activity associated with the afternoon compared to the morning. However, on the walk to the lake I did see a single Swallow flying north along the river and [...]

Cormorant Invasion

A pleasant sunny day to start October, with no wind either made for a very nice walk along the River Hull this morning. A short way along the river’s flood defences I heard the noisy call of a Stonechat which I quickly spotted on top of a hawthorn bush. The calling came from a male [...]