Last week my wife, Srasri, and I went camping in the Lake District. We had mixed weather with some dreadful rain but also some bright sunshine which at least allowed us to get out into the mountains a little. We arrived in Eskedale on wednesday 29th August, driving over Hardknott Pass which provided some excitement [...]
Archive for the ‘Other Wildlife’ Category

A second day of sun

Yesterday I didn’t anticipate going out, but as the weather was sunny with no wind at all it was a case of go out whilst the weather lasts. I couldn’t be bothered to go far, so I took another walk to Eske. Along the river very little was to be seen; a single Cormorant, an [...]

A story of Sandpipers

Today the sun came out. Not only did it come out, but the wind stopped and it became hot – I could almost believe that it was actually summer. Walking north along the River Hull the warmth from the sun was very pleasant and groups of House Martins and Swallows were feasting upon the insects [...]

Drewton Estate provides some shelter for birds, butterflies, flowers and me!

I woke up feeling like my legs needed stretching this morning and with strong winds I decided to head to the Drewton Estate near North Cave where plenty of woodland in a valley provides shelter. This proved to be a good choice. The first birds of interest were huge numbers of House Martins and Swallows [...]

Coot watching at North Cave Wetlands

I don’t often go to North Cave Wetlands as I usually find it too much of a “Coot Museum”, that is there is very little to see other than Coots, Greylag Geese and Mallards – this is a bit unfair really considering the list of birds that have been found there, but reflects my experience of [...]
Scarlet Pimpernel

They seek him here They seek him there Those Frenches seek him everywhere Is he in Heaven? Or is he in Hell? That demned illusive Pimpernel. Odds fish m’dear!
A ridiculously long walk

After a large cooked breakfast I headed up Eskedale through some beautiful, mossy woodland – immediately, a Spotted Flycatcher showed itself, perching on a fence post. On closer inspection there was a whole family of Spotted Flycatchers, noisly flitting about with the young begging for food. The flycatchers were just part of a feeding flock [...]