At the end of January I visited Yangon, Myanmar, for a few days. Although it was not exactly a birding trip, I managed to fit in a fair bit of birding around the city in between conducting the business I was there for. On my first morning I visited People’s Park which is probably the [...]
Posts Tagged ‘bird watching in Myanmar’

National Races Village, Yangon – Birding in Myanmar

A little research on eBird showed me that a few interesting sightings had been made at the National Races Village in the eastern suburbs of Yangon. With some time to kill in the city I decided to take a taxi out there and see what I could find. Although the name of the location sounds [...]

Hlawga National Park, Yangon | Birding in Myanmar

As part of a short trip of a few days to Yangon, Myanmar, I have been doing some birding in and around the city. Having visited a few parks within the city itself, over the last few days, this morning I took a taxi ride an hour north to Hlawga National Park. This location is [...]

Birding Bagan – Birding in Myanmar

Bagan, in central Myanmar, is famous for its thousands of temples scattered across the dry plains alongside the Ayeyarwady river but early in my recent birding tour of Myanmar 2018 we found ourselves in this unusual environment looking for five of Myanmar’s endemic bird species. Birding around this largely open habitat was a very pleasant [...]