When I am in UK one of my favourite places to go birding is Kent Wildlife Trust‘s Oare Marshes reserve. It is one of those places that is always pleasant to go birding because it is a nice place to be and has the benefit of seemingly always having large numbers of birds of a [...]
Posts Tagged ‘britain’

Destruction and Fragmentation of Wildlife Habitats | British Birding

A few days ago I saw an appeal to sign a petition to save a small area of wildlife habitat in my hometown of Dartford in England which has been described as a “wildlife gem” where birds such as Sedge Warbler, Reed Bunting, Cetti’s Warbler and Nightingale have occurred. There is precious little habitat for [...]

Autumn Colours at Knole Park – British Birding

With a few hours to spare I took a short drive to Knole Park in Sevenoals, Kent, to see if I could find any Redwings which have started to arrive from Scandinavia. It was great that I saw my first one very shortly after I arrived but it took some time before I got a [...]

An October Morning at Bridlington Harbour – British Birding

With bright weather persisting I found myself in East Yorkshire, more specifically in Bridlington, with a few hours to spare after breakfast. The tide was falling so it was a good time to check out the birds feeding on the rocks at the base of the harbour’s southern wall, a regular site for finding Purple [...]

Predatory Gulls | Bird Behaviour

It might look fluffy and cute but this young Lesser Black-backed Gull was already enjoying the fruits of a predatory lifestyle when I photographed it at the end of July growing fat on a diet of freshly fledged Pufflings! While sitting, watching Puffins go in and out of their burrows to go out and catch [...]

Colour Ringed Great Black-backed Gull | British Birding

In July I took a boat trip from Amble, in Northumbria, UK, out to Coquet Island to see the Roseate Terns that nest there. It was a nice, one hour, boat trip that gave me good views of lots of Roseate Terns feeding their chicks as well as plenty of Puffins, Kittiwakes, Razorbills, Guillemots, Sandwich [...]

An Afternoon at Titchwell – British Birding

North Norfolk is widely known as one of the best regions in UK for bird watching but it is an area that I have spent little time in so it was nice to have the opportunity to stay with a friend for a weekend and do some birding. Although early July is not regarded as [...]