North Norfolk is widely known as one of the best regions in UK for bird watching but it is an area that I have spent little time in so it was nice to have the opportunity to stay with a friend for a weekend and do some birding. Although early July is not regarded as [...]
Archive for the ‘East Anglia’ Category

Birding Away From The Crowds – British Birding

Siberian Accentor is a great little bird, I had the pleasure to see several at very close range in South Korea earlier this year, in January, in the company of Nial Moores of However, when I got the news that one had turned up at Easington, East Yorkshire, I cancelled my plans to visit [...]

Minsmere & Dunwich Heath: British Birding

I have mentioned before that Dartford Warbler was the bird that got me into birding when I was 7 years old and whenever I am back in UK I always make a visit to a location where I can see this species. With fine weather today it was a good opportunity to find these birds [...]

Cavenham Heath Stone Curlews: British Birding

On my way back from the British Birdwatching Fair I made a little detour to Cavenham Heath National Nature Reserve in Suffolk to search for Stone Curlews. Last year I was told about this area by another birder as a location where Stone Curlews gather before migrating and I saw quite some number of them [...]