Cambodia is the last refuge of a number of exciting species in Southeast Asia as well as the home of a wide range of birds at a greater abundance than most of the surrounding countries. Leading the Calidris Birding Tours trip to Cambodia in March 2023 gave all of the tour participants the opportunity to [...]
Posts Tagged ‘bird watching in Cambodia’

Waterbirds at Prek Toal Reserve | Cambodia Birding

One of the great spectacles of any birding trip to Cambodia is a visit to the waterbird colonies at Prek Toal Reserve on Tonle Sap where birders can be surrounded by huge numbers of waterbirds from a trip on a small boat. This is exactly the situation I found myself in when leading the Calidris [...]

Ancient Birds of Angkor: Birding in Cambodia

Recently I had an email asking me if I noticed many representations of birds around the temples of Angkor during my visit there last March while leading a birding tour to Cambodia. A photo I posted previously on this blog of Sarus Cranes – Birding Around Angkor Wat – on a bas-relief on the Bayon temple [...]

Photos From Cambodia Birding Tour

Yesterday I returned to Thailand after leading a successful birding tour to Cambodia to see a number of mainland Southeast Asia’s most endangered species alongside Sophoan Sanh of the Sam Veasna Centre. We enjoyed great views of a very high proportion of our target birds including a point-blank encounter with a pair of Chestnut-headed Partridges [...]

Birding Around Angkor Wat | Cambodia Birding

Birding around one of the world’s most famous landmarks, Angkor Wat in Cambodia, this morning was a strange experience, not quite knowing whether to look at the birds in the surrounding woodland or the magnificent ruins that loomed over us wherever we stopped. We entered the grounds of Angkor Wat from a little-used gate, having [...]