A couple of days ago on 20th May I was birding in the rice fields near Petchaburi, enjoying the spectacle of Weavers nesting. Baya Weaver colonies seem to be in every small tree, their complicated nests apparently in a constant state of construction, and plenty of small colonies of Asian Golden Weaver are in beds [...]
Archive for the ‘Conservation Issues’ Category

Nesting Bee-eaters in Cumbria: British Birding

For few weeks now the RSPB has given British birders the opportunity to watch European Bee-eaters nesting at a sand quarry near Brampton in Cumbria. Bee-eaters are a very rare breeding bird in UK and this, combined with their colourful plumage, has meant that many people have made the journey to northern England to see [...]

Growths on Legs & Feet of Birds

While bird watching at Ashdown Forest a few days ago I spent some time trying to get some good photos of some of the commoner birds occurring in woodlands. A Treecreeper kept me occupied and frustrated for some time until I noticed a male Chaffinch foraging close by in the leaf litter. I was able [...]

Reporting Ringed Birds – British Birding

A lovely sunny day prompted me to head to Dungeness on the coast of Kent this morning in the hope of seeing some terns and gulls at the water outlet of the nuclear power plant – “the patch”. Unfortunately there were very few birds at all there, just 20-30 Herring Gulls of varying ages and [...]

Increasing Great Knot Numbers: Thailand Birding

Recently, Phil Round alerted me to a short paper “Steep Upward Trajectory of Great Knot Numbers at sites in Southeast Asia” published in “Tattler, Newsletter for the Asia Pacific Flyways & Australian Shorebirds 2020 Project, No 35” by the Australian Wader Studies Group. This article documents and attempts to explain the ever-increasing numbers of Great [...]

British Butterflies

One thing I have noticed over the last few weeks in the UK is how many butterflies are around. A walk around farmland and nature reserves seems to reveal a plentiful supply of butterflies of a variety of species. A few years ago the EU changed agricultural subsidies so that they would only paid if [...]

Thailand Birding: Wetland & Open-country species near Bangkok

Bangkok is surrounded by wetlands, indeed it is built upon them, and unfortunately the city is rapidly spreading out further, obliterating many wetland areas that were inhabited by wetland birds. The result is that many species that were formerly abundant are becoming ever scarcer. However, the fishponds close to Muang Boran in Samut Prakarn province [...]