Over the last few years I have visited a number of hides that are dotted around Kaeng Krachan National Park in Western Thailand, all of which are great to visit if you want to get close up views of birds. These hides always provide birders with superb views of lots of common forest birds but [...]
Posts Tagged ‘thailand’

Black-crowned Night Herons at Wat Phutta Bucha – Thailand Birding

Wat Phutta Bucha is a fairly typical Buddhist temple, similar to thousands of others around Thailand, but one that happens to be fairly close to where I live and with hidden secret around the back of the temple complex. A canal forms the boundary of the temple grounds at the rear and a group of [...]

Hotel Grounds & Golf Course Birds – Thailand Birding

Much gets written about the prime birding spots in Thailand such as Kaeng Krachan, Doi Lang, Pak Thale and others but there are a vast amount of other locations, both national parks and otherwise, that do not get talked about much. Many visitors to Thailand are accompanied by non-birding friends or family and cannot get [...]

Birding When Not Birding – Thailand Birding

For the vast majority of tourists to Thailand the primary focus of the trip will not be birding. Even for many birders a holiday to Thailand is a non-birding, family holiday which locates them away from prime bird watching sites and over the last few days I have found myself in that situation taking a [...]

Migrants, Heat & Humidity – Thailand Birding

Heavy rain yesterday morning foiled my attempt to go birding at Sri Nakorn Kuean Khan Park but today the skies were clear and I got a taxi from home to the park, arriving at 6.45am. Getting out of the air-conditioned taxi I was immediately hit with high temperatures and even higher humidity – the previous [...]

A Morning at Fang Hot Springs – Thailand Birding

I often visit Fang Hot Springs very briefly, stopping to see the Spot-winged Grosbeaks and then leaving but recently while leading a Thailand birding tour I was able to enjoy a longer session of birding at this pleasant location. In the early morning there is always a lot of bird activity and staying nearby at Tangerine [...]

Lung Sin Waterhole; Besra Alert – Thailand Birding

Sometimes things do not go quite according to plan. Hides around Kaeng Krachan national park provide birders with a lot of superb sightings of both common and scarce birds. Right now there are a number of hides where good birds can be seen but one of the most consistently good experiences can be had at [...]