For the last seventeen days I havebeen inĀ Northern and Central Thailand. This year we saw over 470 species in the 17 days of the trip with another 5 leader-seen-only and 10 heard only species recorded despite some unusual weather conditions resulting in some difficult birding at several locations. Some personal highlights included Rusty-naped Pitta, Green [...]
Archive for the ‘Northern Thailand’ Category

Watching Rusty-naped Pitta: Thailand Birding

Pittas are one of the most sought-after group of birds in Thailand as well as one of the hardest to observe so it is always a special experience to see any of the species that occur here. Of all the Pittas in Thailand, Rusty-naped is one of the hardest to see when bird watching in [...]

Baikal Bush Warbler Abundance: Thailand Birding

Bush Warblers are a group of birds that are extremely difficult to observe on their wintering grounds even when they are abundant and few people manage many/any observations of these birds when visiting Thailand. Baikal Bush Warbler was split from Spotted Bush Warbler some years ago and range maps for this taxon show that it [...]

A Successful Birding Tour: Thailand Birding

From 11th January to 4th February 2014 I ledĀ a birding tour of central and northern Thailand. We all have high hopes when starting a birding trip but all those who have been bird watching for some time will know that it is not always easy to find the species that make the trip a success. [...]

Dry Dipterocarp Forest at Doi Inthanon: Birding in Thailand

Dry dipterocarp forest has a high number of bird species that are specialists to this niche and the dry forest at the bottom of Doi Inthanon has long been a location for visiting birders to catch up with a number of these species. For most birders resident in Thailand the dry dipterocarp forest at Doi [...]

Doi Lang Photography Stakeouts – Thailand Birding

I have written a number of times about the photographic stakeouts at Doi Lang but my recent visit on 1st-3rd January resulted in a large number of excellent sightings worth mentioning here for others who may be planning to visit the mountain themselves. The first thing to mention is that if one is heading up [...]

Doi Lang Bird Photography – Thailand Birding

Last year opportunities for photographing birds at Doi Lang were spectacular with a number of stakeouts created by local birders where birds were fed with mealworms in order to lure them out into photographable situations. Recent visits to Doi Lang have revealed that a number of signposts have been placed by national park authorities requesting [...]