With a few hours to spare I took a short drive to Knole Park in Sevenoals, Kent, to see if I could find any Redwings which have started to arrive from Scandinavia. It was great that I saw my first one very shortly after I arrived but it took some time before I got a [...]
Archive for the ‘Other Wildlife’ Category

Autumn Birding in the Alps – Austria Birding

There is no doubting the beauty of the Alps and to be able to experience them in near perpetual September sunshine was wonderful over the last few weeks in Austria. For birders Autumn is not really the time to visit but I spent some time birding in the mountains while on a general touristic visit [...]

Tangkoko Delights – Birding Indonesia

With comfortable accommodation, good food and a reputation for great birds the leg of our trip that took us to Tangkoko, North Sulawesi, was much anticipated by my group earlier this month. While the weather was not exactly how we imagined it, with lots of rain, we still managed, with local assistance, to find a lot [...]

Ancient Birds of Angkor: Birding in Cambodia

Recently I had an email asking me if I noticed many representations of birds around the temples of Angkor during my visit there last March while leading a birding tour to Cambodia. A photo I posted previously on this blog of Sarus Cranes – Birding Around Angkor Wat – on a bas-relief on the Bayon temple [...]

North & Central Thailand Tour, February 2016 – Thailand Birding

For the last seventeen days I havebeen in Northern and Central Thailand. This year we saw over 470 species in the 17 days of the trip with another 5 leader-seen-only and 10 heard only species recorded despite some unusual weather conditions resulting in some difficult birding at several locations. Some personal highlights included Rusty-naped Pitta, Green [...]

Mammals at Lung Sin Waterhole

The Lung Sin waterhole at Kaeng Krachan national park is a great spot to see and photograph many species of birds that visit to feed, drink and bathe but it is also worth talking about the species of mammals which are regular visitors too. I recently spent an afternoon at the Lung Sin waterhole with [...]

Photographing Insects In The Heat Of The Day

Recently bird activity has been at its lowest that I can remember during the dry season, making for some frustrating times looking for birds. I think that this is mostly due to the strange weather patterns that have produced late rain and hotter temperatures than normal and which are now followed by wind; these weather [...]