When leading bird watching trips it can sometimes be difficult for the leader to get quality observations of many species because they are busy making sure that everyone in the group is able to see the birds. This is the situation in which I sometimes find myself so when the opportunity does arise to get [...]
Posts Tagged ‘bird watching in thailand’

Black-crowned Night Herons at Wat Phuttabucha – Thailand Birding

Black-crowned Night Heron is not exactly a rare bird, in fact it is extremely widespread worldwide, but in Western Bangkok there is an amazing spectacle featuring these birds at the rear of Wat Phuttabucha, a little known temple, to the west of the Chao Praya river. At the rear of the temple is a canal [...]

North & Central Thailand Birding Tour – Thailand Birding

For the second year in a row I recorded over 500 species while leading a North & Central Thailand birding tour. Over the course of 17 days we visited most of the best birding sites in Northern and Central Thailand with a short incursion into the Northeastern region and the only reason we were not able [...]

Birding Highlights of 2017

Happy New Year! I am looking forward to what I have planned ahead in 2018 with a birding trip starting in Northern Thailand in a few days and a two week trip to Myanmar at the end of the month, but I also looked back to some of my birding highlights of 2017. Birding in [...]

A Big Wader Day – Thailand Birding

Early morning at Pak Thale always provides a sense of anticipation for visiting birders with the Critically Endangered Spoon-billed Sandpiper the much-desired prize. This was the feeling on stepping out of the vehicle at 7am on 23rd December with Graham and Penny Lower with the challenge being to find them a Spoonie with which to [...]

Doi Lang in November – Thailand Birding

Doi Lang is definitely one of the best birding sites in Northern Thailand, probably THE best single site in fact hosting most of the county’s high altitude birds and being the only known site for several species. Most birders visit the mountain between January and mid March when there are many active photographic stakeouts but [...]

Phylloscopus Invasion – Thailand Birding

couple of days ago, on 31st October, I paid another visit to my local park, near my home in Bangkok: Sri Nakorn Kuen Khan Park. The rainy season seems to have come to an abrupt end and with the air much less humid and the skies clear it was a pleasant morning to be out [...]